While still creatively focused, these articles are works of non-fiction and show another side of who I am as a writer. Each shows who I am as a writer as well as my ability to analyze a subject which is a useful skill in any field.
A Complete Change
This is my oldest article on the list and there are changes I would make today, such as changing the title to "A Paradigm Shift", but I want to show how much my writing has grown as well as a wide breadth of interests.
Labyrinthine Heroines
This is an academic article I wrote that breaks down Guillermo del Toro's Pan's Labyrinth. I chose this article as this shows my ability to academically dissect a piece of film. It's also one of my favorite films so it is another example that shows a bit of me.
A Nearly Perfect Spiral
This is a different type of breakdown that goes more in-depth. I also feel it is one of my strongest articles and the work that it analyses (NiN- The Downward Spiral) is truly seminal and deserves to be heard.